Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lincoln's Progress

Lincoln is now 26 months old. He has been a student at Early Foundations since April.  In May, he started his first "pointing program" (falls under ABA Therapy)....he has been dragging his feet and on the same one program since then up until 3 weeks ago. To advance to a new program, you have to score 90% or above 2 days in a row.  well Lincoln did just that, moved to program 2 for only 2 DAYS and then on to the 3rd program for only 2 DAYS!  So now he gets to move to PECS  (picture exchange communication system) and we have been told there is an 80% success rate of getting kids to talk with Autsim with PECS.  Because he is so visual , they think the pics will help him start beginning functional communication (not counting and repeating phrases)......calling me mama (so looking forward to this) asking for things and so many others. We are so impressed with his rapid progress recently and know that our prayers are being answered and Lincoln is going to do great in the next coming months. I will be having him start Speech Therapy in the next couple weeks again since he now has more words than he did before.

Praise God for all of his progress and looking forward to more in the near future.
Just wanted to post a quick update  :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Words and Praying

I recently had a revelation about how powerful our words truly are. I have noticed a lot of people in general whether it be via facebook or just in everday conversations ....posting or talking about their problems and then asking for prayer. On facebook, I think, some people have hundreds of friends and do you really want to open yourself up to that type of vulnerability?  For me, the answer is no. I think the Word says, 1 Peter 5:7 AMP
"Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately  and  cares about you watchfully."

I know there is a time to go to our friends for prayer, but I think we more than anything sometimes it exhalts the worrying or fear just by talking about it. Not saying it can't bring a solution or just the support of friends praying for us. I think satan doesn't know our thoughts and sometimes we open ourselves up to certain attacks by speaking things.

I think there is a lot to be said for the way we pray also. I have always pondered the scripture, "the EFFECTIVE, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  That to me says there is an effective way to pray. I have heard some people say, well we shouldn't pray out loud because then satan can hear what we are praying. I disagree, I think the bigger problem can be the way we are praying. I have always noticed my husband prays the Word and what he wants to have not what we have. For example, Lincoln and autism, we aren't sitting around "talking" to God saying, "oh God, this is stressful and I'm worried and hope he gets better, I know what the statistics say and blah blah blah." Instead our prayer is, " we thank u that Lincoln is whole and healthy and his mind is developing, his speech is developing, we thank you that you have a plan and a purpose for his life and there are plans for a future and hope, thank you that his teachers hands are able and their minds are alert and growing and enlightened with knowledge in helping lincoln." Doesn't that seem more effective than Talking and dwelling and wallering in the negative?  I guess my point is I think we talk too much instead of an effective way. "If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless”
(James 1:26). It is a deception for any of us to think that Jesus can be Lord over our life, without also becoming Lord over our tongue.

This has just been hugely effective for me recently in realizing how I think and changing my whole thought process and what I speak out. I want to plant seeds that are fruitful, not seeds of doubt and unbelief or worry and frustration.....because once its said, that seed is planted.

Just my thoughts for the day.