Thursday, October 16, 2014

Progress update for Linky

Progress Update for Lincoln
There is an evaluation system called the ATEC to gauge how treatments are working and the level of severity of autism your child has. A score over 104 (90th percentile) is considered severely autistic. A score Under 30 is considered to be mild autism and is in the lowest percentile (10th). If their score gets to be under 10, they are usually considered "recovered" and indistinguishable... from their peers. The goal is 0.
I have been using tis since April 2012 and love tracking his progress. Check out today's score!

APRIL 2012-  82       (80th percentile)
Aug 2012-      61         (50th percentile)
May 2013-     35         (20th percentile)
Dec 2013-      28        (10th percentile)
(Today) Oct 2014-       18         SERIOUSLY, 18!!

 Linky went from severe autism to having mild autism. His original score was 82 and that was after a year of being in an ABA program for 15-17 hours a week. For us, Lincoln got better after being removed from the program.  I believe his score would have been much higher when we first knew he had autism (April 2011) but I didn't know about this tool to gauge that.

The goal is a score of ZERO! God is able. We have been standing believing God's Word that Lincoln is healed. We are watching it come to pass. So very thankful and happy! We still have some things to get worked out and he still has a ways to go. ...but man he's come so far!

Why do I use this tool? Because it is always so cool to see laid out on paper what I see everyday before my very eyes. I believe this is very effective. When I took it in Dec. 2013, I knew that meant Lincoln had moved to High functioning autism. When I took him back to his Neuro-Psychologist. in January, his diagnosis changed to mild autism and he said Lincoln was high-functioning. So, I do believe it to be pretty spot on.   :)

#JOYishere ##Godisstillinthehealingbusiness #healed #redeemed #kickinautismbooty

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