Thursday, May 2, 2013

Intro to my kids and a little park fun!

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I forced the kids to dress up cute and take pictures at the park.  They did not last very long but I got a few (45 at least) cute shots!

This little girl is the sweetest little fireball of a daughter I could have ever imagined having.  Love her!  She gives these boys a run for their money any day of the week.


 My sweet 5 year old Lucas kissing his baby sister.  He is my only one that didn't get the red hair.  He is my little mini-me ( I am trying to break him of that). He is so sweet with everyone and loves giving his mama flowers and leaving me notes when him and his Daddy go somewhere.

This little guy has many names; Lincoln (his given name), Sweetness, and most recently Linky J.  He is a lot of what I blog about. I have learned faith with him and what healing truly is.  Proud to be his mom (as well as all of my kids) and proud of all of his accomplishments!

 photo starriwsiug_zpsd03effd1.png

1 comment:

  1. your kids are sooo cute! found you from the blog hop! following you via bloglovin!

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